Friday, November 4, 2011

Warmachine Weekend!!!

Three of the hometown gamers are playing in the biggest warmachine event in the country. Leviathan, Seige, and myself are on site rockin' it. I will try and get some picks and a batrep.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

WOOT! Gratz to Leviathan!

Leviathan was victorious in a tourney at our local FLGS! His Khadorness paid off in spades as he walked away with a first place coin.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

It's been awhile..

I know it has been awhile since we have posted, but here are some highlights...

The Cygnar army to the left has gone the way of the dodo was traded for a Retribution army that was then promptly traded for Seige's Protectorate force.

Since then we have played a few games, and here are some highlights...

A little commentary.
You will see the last hurrah of the Cygnar as eCaine gets LOS to Kromac, Khador Doom Reavers are about to guess the exact charge range to the Protectorate forces, and pGaspy proves that you never underestimate a warcaster with nothing to loose...

Thursday, January 6, 2011

The Results are in!

The New Years game was a blast! Thanks to the guys for making the journey, and a big thank you to my wife for facilitating our game. The big winner waz Daemortus rolling pGaspy for the win! The 1-1-1-1 game is quick and brutal. It was down to one last attack and my stormblade captain wiffed something fierce and was obliterated along with pNemo.