Wednesday, January 27, 2016

For love of the game...

In our groups history it has been feast or famine. By that I mean either we are gaming with good frequency or it is months between games. We have yet to adopt any higher tech methods for getting the group together and I think that may have to change. Video or just plain audio conferencing has become almost a norm in gaming today. There are some excellent tools out there to keep a good group together and in the coming weeks I'm going to post and test a few. 


Thursday, January 21, 2016

Trolls, trolls, and more trolls...

And the trolls have been vanquished!  In the beginning of book 2 the Night Below we have encountered our first two underdark races the deep gnomes and two tribes of trolls. Now in order to establish some cred underground we are helping the gnomes out by vanquishing two nests of trolls. In the original 2nd ed this was much less worrisome series of encounters. In 5th Ed trolls have a little more than double the hit points and their regen has increased from a couple of hit points a round to 10 freaking hp a round and they fanatically attack anyone who wields fire. After 3 full sessions of troll slaying I'm happy to say they are dead and we are not!  I have never been so happy to move along. 
On another note I did have time to enjoy a game with my trolls. 50 pts vs Scotty's Retribution of Scyrah. Super fun game resulting in a Trollblood victory. 

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

New Year Gaming...

As is our tradition, we had a big evening of games and BS this last weekend. While some of us could not attend a good time was still had. We played a rare 50pt game and had a 25pt 4 person free-for-all. Community and culture development at the new, to Warmahordes, store is going great. It reminds me of how we used to have fun back in 3rd ed 40k. 

Leviathan's list was:  Thags 1, archangel, carnivean, scythean, ripper, warspears with UA, deathstalker, and a useless shepard 
Mine looked like this: Doomy2, Mountain King, Mulg, Earthborn, Full Krielstone+UA, Janissa Stonetide, Champ Hero 
Here is an epic, nay colossal pic!