As is our tradition, we had a big evening of games and BS this last weekend. While some of us could not attend a good time was still had. We played a rare 50pt game and had a 25pt 4 person free-for-all. Community and culture development at the new, to Warmahordes, store is going great. It reminds me of how we used to have fun back in 3rd ed 40k.
Leviathan's list was: Thags 1, archangel, carnivean, scythean, ripper, warspears with UA, deathstalker, and a useless shepard
Mine looked like this: Doomy2, Mountain King, Mulg, Earthborn, Full Krielstone+UA, Janissa Stonetide, Champ Hero
Here is an epic, nay colossal pic!