We have been very lax in updating the blog, but I think that is about to change. We recently started a new campaign in the 5th edition of D&D. Leviathan is reviving a 2nd ed module The Night Below. The cast of characters:
Scargrim the Black - Dwarven Fighter - Party Leader - Daemortus
Zook Sparklegold - Gnomish Rogue - Siege
Dahrin - Human Cleric of Shaundakul - Theocolese
Alrik Wymanson - Elvish Wizard/Invoker - Zedudicus
We had a very promising first game session and covered a solid month of "in-game" questing. I, personally, am looking forward to our next session and hopefully introduction of our 5th player. I will try and keep our exploits up to date as we try and rid Harenshire and its surroundings of evil.