The previous attempts were all in 2nd edition d&d. After rolling in 5th Ed it feels like we were almost held back by the old rule set. Our experience so far has been great!
Saturday, August 15, 2015
Eagerly awaiting...
Our next game is scheduled for next weekend. I personally am eager to get book one behind us and forge ahead into parts unknown. This is our 4th attempt to play this box set. I have been there for every attempt and have had fun every time. First there was the necromancer. He wasn't evil and viewed his magic as the other side of a coin. Healing +/-. The second was as an elvish Mage/Rogue. This character covered two spots and was very fun to play. Attempt #3 was hallmarked by our largest party yet. I felt privileged to roll a gnome cleric of Gond. This and Theoclese's fighter were going to put weaponry into production and change the world.