As with many gaming groups we have a pretty fluid population and game library. Our group has just convinced a outside DM to run Rise of the Runelords for our group. This is allowing us to all play on the same side of the screen for the first time in a very long time. Our party has just started out and are 2 sessions in. The Company of (insert Deamortis's paladin's name) is having a blast and I can feel our synergy really taking off.
Deamortus - Human, Paladin of Erastil
Leviathan - Elven, Mage of the Hidden Visage
Rando - Human, Cleric of Saranrae
Doesn't know - Elven, Alchemist\Anatomy Professor
Zedudicus - Dwarven, Ranger of Erastil
Several of us have chosen the location traits and have been in contact with each other before the adventure, but others have elected for the outsider status. Our group, now bidden as local heroes, has been taming gobbers throughout town and it has been a blast!